Tuesday, April 21, 2015


by Wayne Hinton

Patience is a strange phenomenon when we take pause
To consider what it means to each of us.
At times we are convinced that we
Are the only people in the world with a surplus.

Like many of us, I have analyzed my own level
Of patience as it applies to me.
Most of my life I have felt that my patience with people,
Was as strong as it can be.

I’ve searched the Bible to see what God expects
And have found that patience is a product
Of the testing of one’s faith in God
And we show it by our own conduct.

My focus was on verses from Solomon,
The greatest teacher and wisest of all,
And James, who gave my cursory looks
Comfort that I had the wherewithal.

I had been through two cancers and treatments
That they brought along with them.
Then with my heart damaged I had more to learn
And health concerns became more solemn.

Another year went by and I was feeling fairly well
When new challenges appeared
That required a serious test of patience
I did not do well as the new treatments reared.

It wasn’t until a few days later
That I was able to get a new revelation
When I saw a movie about Jesus Christ
And the torturing that was done.

Jesus’ back was raw and bleeding,
Yet He never said a word
The thorns on His head were more
Than most men could encounter.

While carrying His cross it was clear
That the pain and suffering were too much
For any human being to endure
It would be too painful to even touch.

As He went through this terrible ordeal,
It became too personal for my being.
As I understood Christ’s patience
That qualified Him to be King.

“Lord, grant me patience – right now”
We joke when our needs are not so great.
Our faith alone should give us what we need,
Yet in life’s challenges we simply can’t relate.

James said we should count it all joy
When you fall into various trials,
Knowing that testing produces patience.
Even when our physical body wails.

Some have said I am strong but they don’t know
The weakness I feel every day
Compared to the afflictions that Jesus
Suffered to show us His Way.

My patience will never come close to His
As I go through these days and nights.
So I must rely on His strength

To carry me when I face my fights.

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