Saturday, September 26, 2015

What Can I Do?

by Wayne Hinton
April 26, 2015

Looking back over my seventy-one years, it is clear
That many things have remained the same.
What I liked and disliked in my younger days
I still feel is not much more than a head game.

Running fast in track meets was rewarding.
I enjoyed baseball and life in the country.
A starry, starry night is relaxing
And who doesn’t love a day that is sunny.

After my love of God and His ways,
My family is most important.
Of all the things I have experienced
Those have been the most constant.

Aging and illnesses have taken a lot away.
And it is so tempting to dwell on those things
That I can no longer do like when I was young
Yet I can still wait to see what tomorrow brings.

The business world taught me a lot
That no class room could ever do.
I try to learn from everything I have done
Selling real estate taught me, too.

I can no longer be effective in any job
No matter how hard I might try.
I know some my age that have recoiled from life
And sit around waiting to die.

Not me. Oh, no. I’ve never been that way.
To give up or to quit
Although to be totally honest,
It’s not always easy, I admit.

A dear friend and I have talked about
The physical trials we have been through.
Why we are still alive on earth can only mean
There is something else God wants us to do.

As the days go by and opportunities arise
It is important, it seems to me,
To take advantage of each and every one.
Even when the impact is hard to see.

I believe that God has a purpose and plan
For each and every person on earth.
And how we face each days challenges
He judges us for what we are worth.

So, I will try to relax and enjoy each day
Whether rainy or sunny, it doesn’t matter.
I will ask for Gods’ direction for me
And keep it in view; not let it scatter.

I’ve heard it said that the best way to learn
Is to teach others what you know.
So I plan to pass along what I have learned
To anyone wanting to grow.

If that is all I can do with my life
For whatever time I have on earth
To teach and to learn is important to God
And how we should live since our birth.

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