Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Poem for the Day

For anyone who has the blessing of having a son. Having a daughter is wonderful, too. It's just that they are different in ways hard to describe.

by Edgar Albert Guest

I never knew the joy of getting home,
I never knew how fast a heart could beat;
I never tasted joy,
Till the day my little boy
Came running up to meet me on the street.
I never knew the pleasure of a smile,
I never knew the music of a voice
Till I heard my baby greet me,
On this day he ran to meet me
In a way that made my weary heart rejoice.

I never knew a welcome half so true,
Till I heard his 'hello daddy!' down the street; 
And though weary as could be, 
When he scampered up to me, 
There was comfort in the patter of his feet. 
I never knew the charm of laughing eyes, 
I never knew how happy I could be; 
I never knew the cheer 
That makes worry disappear, 
Till the day my baby first ran up to me. 

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