Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Ma and Me

Poem for the Day

(Especially for Nita)

Ma and Me
by Edgar Albert Guest

There've been times we'd disagree 
Somethin' awful, Ma an' me; 
Times when I would bang the door 
Never to come back no more, 
An' go stompin' down the street 
Sayin' things I won't repeat; 
Vowin' that the only course 
For us two was a di-vorce. 
Then when it come time for tea 
We'd make up, would Ma an' me.

We've had many a lively spat
Arguin' over this an' that.
There've been times when Ma got mad,
Said enough o' me she'd had,
Tired o' listenin' to me jaw;
Reckoned that she'd go t' law,
Tell the judge her tale o' woe,
An' my own way I could go.
Then the children we would see
An' we'd laugh, would Ma an' me.

Ma an' me ain't angels quite, 
Neither of us does things right. 
She's got reason fer complaint, 
She ain't married to a saint; 
Guess I've tried her patience more 
Than the children round the door; 
An' at times, by all that's fine, 
Ma has certainly tried mine. 
But together still are we, 
Pals an' lovers — Ma an' me.

We've just plodded on the way 
Hand in hand from day to day, 
Workin' for the greatest good, 
Doin' just the best we could. 
Gettin' mad, as people will, 
But remainin' faithful still. 
An' we've never gone to bed 
Till we took back all we said, 
Kissed, an' vowed we'd always be 
Pals an' sweethearts—Ma an' me. 

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