Tuesday, March 22, 2016

If You and I

Poem for the Day

If You and I
by Edgar Albert Guest

IF you would smile a little more 
And I would kinder be, 
If you would stop to think before 
You speak of faults you see. 
If I would show more patience, too, 
With all with whom I'm hurled, 
Then I would help and so would you 
To make a better world.

If you would cheer your neighbor more
And I'd encourage mine, 
If you would linger at his door 
To say his work is fine, 
And I would stop to help him when 
His lips in frowns are curled, 
Both you and I'd be helping then 
To make a better world.

But just as long as you keep still
And plod your selfish way, 
And I rush on, and heedless kill
The kind words I could say; 
While you and I refuse to smile
And keep our gay flags furled, 
Someone will grumble all the while
That it's a gloomy world. 

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