Friday, March 25, 2016

Live For Today!

I found this one among my dad's papers left behind when he died.

Live For Today!
by Joyce Williams

Do you always look for tomorrow
And the happiness it may bring?
Do you sometimes look at yesterday
As a time of better things?
You're missing out on the jam of life
For the jam is the sweetness of today.
The treats - the nice things heard said.

In each single day there are blessings,
But good things are sometimes ignored
As we all tend to focus on troubles -
Then the pleasures are never explored.
We are only too often so worried
About how to bring home the bread
That in the work and the eating,
We don't taste the jam that is spread.

So let "Live for Today" be your motto.
To today give all of your best;
For yesterday's passed and completed.
What's done is done - let it rest.
Tomorrow is only a daydream -
We cannot predict what it holds.
Give your best to today - see the blessings,
No matter what challenge unfolds.

Each challenge itself is a blessing
In God's long and far-reaching plan;
But in our short sights, we can't always see
The great end result, as He can.
The Lord has hold of our coattails;
His love will not let us go.
So we miss the best if we miss today;
Its pleasures we'll never know.

Don't let thoughts of tomorrow snatch you
From living each moment today.
You may miss the very answer
God sends to pave tomorrow's way.
Take time to smell the roses,
To taste the jam so sweet;
Don't look at life as thorns and crumbs;
You'll miss today's special treat!

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