Friday, November 14, 2014

The Kitten

by Wayne Hinton
(Not one of my better efforts, but I think it had a message to me at the time.)

Did you ever watch a kitten,
One that's not too old,
As it finds a new adventure
And studies each detail?
The sight may not intrigue you,
But to me it means a lot.
For, you see, upon occasion,
It was not too long ago
I had a pert, young kitten
And tried to raise it well.

You may not like sad stories.
If not, I beg you leave
For this may be the saddest
That I shall ever write.
It began one summer evening.
I found her in the road.
And took her, fed her, loved her
Trained her the best I knew.

I'm sure that kitten loved me, too.
She told me so each day
As she cuddled beside me
And purred so soft and low.
I wanted her to grow up
Into a strong old cat
So full of strength and wisdom
And also warmth and love
So no one could deny her
The praise she so deserved.

And now on with my story;
The one I started to tell
About how I watched this kitten
One day when she was at play
And began to climb a sofa.
She struggled to reach the top.
She took some pride upon her
As high atop she stood.
You must believe what follows
I thought was for her good.

I'm sure you know what pride is
And the dangers of too much.
I also know pride's powers
But the kitten could not know.
She had to be taught a lesson;
She had to learn it well.
It could not be forgotten
She had won her fight.
I knew defeat must come again,
So I knocked her from her perch.

Help would have been a hindrance
To the lesson I thought she'd learn.
So sure I was she'd fight once more
To regain her once known heights.
But this time she did not struggle.
No, she was not dead,
Though it might have been a blessing
Since she never fought again.
She chose a life that's lower
And I must bear the blame.

Don't think that I'd desert her.
I never will do that
Although it does seem hopeless
That I can right my wrong.
I have tried once to do it.
I laid her on the peak
And thought she would be pleased there.
She quickly proved me wrong.
Oh, how can I tell my kitten
I'm sorry!

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