Friday, January 30, 2015

Eighteen Again

Who Wants to be Eighteen Again?
By Wayne Hinton

So George wants to be eighteen again –
I can’t say that I agree.
The high school years were difficult.
They were very hard for me.

Stephen may have said it best,
“No kid in high school feels as though they fit in”
Boys are interested in girls,
But they don’t know how to begin.

The smart kids want to be accepted
But the in-crowd feels inferior.
Most others want to learn because they think
The smart kids are superior.

Each one is searching for something
And no one is sure just what it is.
We all thought the others knew
And we feared failing the quiz.

Boys are intimidated by teenage girls
And the girls like to hang together.
So the boys try to impress the girls
By playing football in stormy weather.

I've heard it said that girls mature faster;
Boys are at a loss and don’t understand
That the girls they talked to in grade school
Speak a new language and make it sound grand.

When asked if a young boy likes the girls.
He will reply as all young lads do.
He’ll say he likes them just as friends
But deep inside he knows that’s not true.

The teen years also bring an awakening
That parents are not always right.
You've believe everything they've told you.
Now new things come to light.

Even textbooks cannot be believed
Although they are taught as true.
We find out that what we are told
Is not what we thought we knew.

Stephen said more when he said
“If you liked being a teenager, there's something really wrong with you.” 
No, George, I don’t want to be eighteen again.
I just have a different point of view.

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