Wednesday, January 7, 2015

One Tender Moment

One Tender Moment
by Grace E. Easley

I think the sweetest joys in life,
Are those more felt than seen,
When someone sees within our soul,
With nothing in between.
When trust is freely given,
Hearts meet on common ground,
And this ignites a spark that lights
Up everything around.

Only when we grow more simple
Can the love within us all
Spill forth touching all with splendor
That's a wonder to recall.

One such very tender moment
Was it given me to share
When I came upon a red bird
Perched upon my feeder there.

He had weathered many winters,
It was very plain to see,
But his eyes were calm and steady
As he turned to gaze at me.
And the thing I am most proud of
In all my life today ...
Is that he let me stroke his back,
... And didn't fly away.

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