Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A Reason, A Season or a Lifetime

A Reason, A Season or a Lifetime
By Wayne Hinton
February 10, 2015

Friends come and go through the years.
Some we miss as time goes by.
Whatever happened to so and so, we ask,
We lost track and don’t even know why.

We were very close to some of them
In our younger days.
But as we age, our memory
Sees them in different ways.

Did the “Male Most Likely to Succeed” really succeed?
Or did he end up just scraping by?
Is the “Most Photogenic Girl” still pretty,
Is she still svelte and spry?

We all have added years to our lives,
Except for those who have died.
And though we once were close as can be,
Now we are scattered far and wide.

Do the twins still look a lot alike?
Are the athletes still athletic?
Or have they all developed like so many?
Health and age making them pathetic.

If somehow we can talk with them again,
Will they remember you at all?
Or will they have to be super honest
And say they don’t remember at all?

If they remember, how will it be?
Will it be with kindness or not?
Remember, our view of the relationship
May not be what we thought.

Why were they in our lives?
Did you ever think of that?
We knew them only a very short time,
It might have only been a chat.

God only knows the answer to that.
We don’t have as much control
As we think we might have had
We all were playing a role.

On the stage we call life,
There are many characters and roles.
Some are only cameos
While others will share out goals.

Those who share our goals, we hope,
Will stick around for a time
While we reach and learn
How to scale our mountain to climb.

Once the mountain has been conquered,
Those friends, too, may be gone.
We hear about them from time to time,
Their memory lingers on.

It’s been said that each of us
Has, at best, five lifetime friends.
They are few and far between,
But this friendship never ends.

There is a suggestion for each of us to follow.
Why not reach out to find those souls
Who helped us along the way?
Find out if they, each one, met their goals.

Tell them how much you appreciate
The role they played in your life.
Thank them for contributing their advice
When you were going through some strife.

Send a note to those who may be grieving
From the loss of someone held dear.
It may be you can ease their sadness
By lending them your ear.

While you’re at it, don’t forget
Those you may have alienated.
Offer them a sincere apology.

It just might be appreciated.

Remember, every person you have known,
Was placed into your life’s climb
By God, who knew what you needed,
For a reason, a season or a lifetime.

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