Friday, February 13, 2015

Let's Be Real

Let’s be Real
By Wayne Hinton
February 13, 2015

Charlie said to “Kiss an Angel Good Morning”
And this makes a lot of sense.
I think the only way to consider this
Is in the future tense.

We fall in love when we are young
Many times is not very rare.
We look at one another and believe
We will make the perfect pair.

If we take the next steps, we find
Many things need a second look.
Maybe we find it difficult to talk
Or you read each other like a book.

So you take on the challenge of marriage
And then you really find out
How your spouse lives life
And what love is all about.

Sorry to say to all the wives
But at times you are a lot of trouble.
The first argument is difficult
And really bursts the bubble.

Then the story really opens up
The ‘nits’ start sneaking in
As your spouse finds out that
Your patience wears thin.

You squeeze the toothpaste the wrong way,
And you don’t know how to hang toilet paper.
The things you now find out about each other
If you’re not committed, love can go like vapor.

You can call it quits as many people do,
But that defeats the reasons
That you promised one another
Love for all of the seasons.

For better or worse is not just a phrase.
It has a strong intent.
And it may takes years to understand
What is really meant.

Love songs are meant for the young
When they are looking for a mate.
They do not paint a true picture
Of life beyond the first date.

Mistakes are made by all.
Men are included in the mix, of course.
Learning to understand a man
May be harder than taming a horse.

None of us is perfect, that’s true
And we need to understand
That staying in love all your life
Must be learned firsthand.

So, when you awake in the morning
And get past the morning breath
Remember, she may not be an angel,

But she is your true love ‘til death.

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