Tuesday, February 3, 2015

An Ode to Wayne

In the 1970s and 1980s, the Dean Martin roasts were a highlight of TV. Like most popular trends, there were many copycat attempts. Even managers were not exempt. I was roasted (honored) by one such event and I still have the audio tape (remember those) of it. They really had me nailed!
When I was leaving the CNA account in Chicago, I was again 'honored' with gifts and jokes and one particular poem that I just happened across while going through my old 'stuff'. Bill wrote it:
An Ode to Wayne
There's a story that's told of a man called Wayne,
A man so strong as a locomotive train.
He was an ace SE and a hard-nosed boss;
He wore a cowboy hat, but he didn't have a hoss.
Well, one day in his shop there was heard a big bash
And the modules abended and the system did crash.
Well, no, some people screamed and other passed out;
Many wet their pants, and all began to shout.
The place was in a frenzy as they tried to patch the system,
But they fought a losing battle 'til Wayne came to assist them.
Well, he found himself a console and he pushed 'em all aside.
He said "Better make way - 'cause I'm gonna take a ride!"
Well, he started on that keyboard, and that tube it sure did smoke
As his powers of reason, that SE did invoke.
Well, he sat there and he typed until his fingers, they bled
And he didn't stop the 'cause he liked the color red.
Well, now when the dust settled that system did hum
And Wayne, he slowly got up and then he smiled some.
Well, he grabbed his coat and donned his hat
And then we heard him say -
"It weren't nothin' folks - just another day."

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