Thursday, May 7, 2015

Good Friends

Good Friends
by Alice E. Chase

Good friends are not commodities
on supermarket shelves
all neatly priced and packaged
so folks can help themselves.

They don't come by the dozen
they're not sold by the pound
to find the best in quality
it pays to shop around.

We look for friends with loyalty
a sense of humor too
and sense enough when things get tough
to help us muddle thru.

Oh, yes, we want our friends to come
completely guaranteed
to last us for a lifetime
and fulfill our every need.

But while we're busy shopping
for friends who'll suit us best
do we ever stop to wonder
if we too can meet the test.

And only if we measure up
and do our part, will we
become the kind o friend we'd like
somebody else to be.

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