Friday, May 1, 2015

Take Time to See

Take Time to See
Ray F. Zaner

It seems so hard to understand
As I look out across the land
That all I view belong to me.
I ought to take more time to see!

The distant hills and mountains high,
The rolling clouds and bright blue sky,
No one can take these views from me,
As long as I have eyes to see.

A timid deer with haunting look
Who stand refreshed by yonder brook
Knows not that he belong to me.
Oh, what a thrilling sight to see!

The song of birds so gay and clear
That fill the morning air with cheer,
And fragrant flowers of every hue,
That stand erect bedecked with dew,
All these and more belong to me,
If I but use my eyes to see.

When evening shadows gather nigh
And twinkling stars light up the sky
I hear my Master say to me:
"I made it all for you to see."
My heart grows with faith and pride
To know that He is by my side.

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