Wednesday, May 6, 2015

People and Places

Bear with me on this one. It is a personal and nostalgic look at our past travels.

People and Places
By Wayne Hinton
May 5, 2015

If you are old enough, maybe you can relate to this.
If you are young enough, maybe you can learn from it.
And, if you are in between, maybe you can change if needed.
My goals were quite simple years ago, and I reaped the benefit.

By keeping my goals simple, some were easy to achieve.
But the biggest advantage was being able to recognize
Opportunities for what they were worth
And what they could offer to my eyes.

Math was a major part of my early goals
But that didn’t work out for me.
Several girls interested me enough to think
My Mrs. was among them, but it wasn’t to be.

I dreamed of living in Texas for some reason,
And Dallas was a focus for many years.
I thought I was stuck working in Cincinnati,
And losing our first child brought many tears.

My wife had never lived anywhere else,
So moving to Texas was a test of trust.
We took a trial move for a few months,
And found that Dallas westward was full of dust.

With two children at the time, we made a conscious decision
To use the temporary time we were there
And make the most of every moment.
So we toured Texas with a flare.

The Alamo was a must-see of course
And Johnson’s library was full of intrigue.
Since we had not seen anything like it.
The displays were out of our league.

Eisenhower’s birth place was close
And we couldn’t let the opportunity pass
To visit his old home in Denison
Long before he earned his brass.

A drive into Oklahoma found us racing a tornado
Hoping we could beat it back to Dallas.
We did, of course, with some nerves unwound.
At least I found out that my feelings were not callous.

Passing the test of living elsewhere, we waited
And found ourselves moving to Connecticut.
While there, we visited New York City, Boston and more
Where we witnessed a whole new form of etiquette.

Plymouth Rock, Cape Cod, Vermont, Rhode Island, Maine
And New Hampshire were among our many tours.
We even were able to give my dad a vacation that
He had only dreamed would show the sight of early wars.

Chicago was next, although I did not really want to go.
Surprisingly, we found some of our best friends ever
And again made some incredible findings.
Finding our way around town was a difficult endeavor.

My first visit outside the United States
Came when I had a small team
Doing some work in Puerto Rico.
The humidity was extreme.

Wisconsin was more interesting than expected
And long distance bike rides and camping were great.
We amassed a great many pleasant memories
And we toured throughout the state.

I thought I knew Kentucky well, having grown up there,
But living in Frankfort for a short time,
And getting Janis some horse riding lessons,
Gave us a different view of the caves and pleasant clime.

Dallas was next – our second time to live there.
Our focus was on a school where both kids could graduate.
But after only a few short days, I was called to Detroit.
You never know when you will meet a twist of fate.

Needless to say, Detroit was not in my top ten cities to live
But General Motors needed a lot of assistance
So many of us went to help even though
What we wanted to see was far in the distance.

My position allowed me trips
To Canada and Mexico.
Working with the locals there
Helped my skills to grow.

Michigan holds some absolutely wonderful scenery
The Upper Peninsula provides a great many views.
We also got our first chances to spend time
In Canada, Niagara Falls and other places to choose.

We lived there long enough for both children to graduate
And I had some serious increases in responsibilities.
I considered it a reward to be chosen to go to South Korea
It proved to be a real test of some of my abilities.

The Old Korean Village and Itaewon were fascinating
And the food was deliciously different.
We bought souvenirs, of course,
And the people were very brilliant.

New Orleans loomed next in our travels
And what an unusual time we had.
The food and music, along with the people,
All had a quality and style, but it was not all bad.

The history of southern Louisiana is full of wonder
You can imagine a belle descending the stairs
Of almost any of the mansions
And no one is burdened by cares.

Opening offices in Oklahoma City and Reno
Gave me some new views of life.
Tahoe is a wonderful place and it gave
Me a place to vacation with my wife.

Our third relocation to Dallas gave travel for us
A whole new dimension.
The places we saw while in Europe
Were way beyond our comprehension.

England, Ireland, Belgium and Germany
Were very educational and beautiful locations.
The autobahn, Switzerland and the Rhine
Went beyond my expectations.

Now, as we have settled into our advanced ages,
I have no more fear to fly.
Nor do I want to do it anymore.
I’m content to gaze into the sky.

I see a lot of planes go over the house
And I wonder about each person’s destination.
Is it business or pleasure or something else?
I hope it is combined with a great vacation.

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